Big Business
I Host Ad–Free, Data–Light, Info–Only Sites
Micro Mobile
• Linux Geek
• Safe Tech
• Tiny Home
⬇️ The Gas Burners
• Just Do It
• What To Do For Now
With the advent of fossil fuels, humans today, live on the nonrenewable planetary resources that belong to all future humanity; all future generations will be denied access to them because we're now consuming thousands of years worth of nonrenewable natural resources at astounding rates; like 10,000 years worth every 10,000 weeks! That's a 100% certainty they'll have none; what impact that will have on all Earth species is easy to imagine; complete human dependency on it now, will be our species undoing.
Consequently, I'm not an advocate for capitalism or consumerism; just the opposite (more at
Micro Mobile). If I were on a different planet, where money was not the centerpiece of the species, I'd build my own small shelter, grow and raise all sustenance, and live a simple life. But that's not what we're facing. So, I researched the cheapest way to live an intentional, sustainable, simple lifestyle, and that is now what I'm doing. It's not ideal, but it's all I can do for now. Better than remaining a mindless follower of all that came before us I guess!
⬆️ The Gas Burners!
Inside the paradigm of ecology, sustainability and environmental stewardship, there are now only two types of humans; the gas burners and the non–gas burners. The gas burners are the only problem; we non–gas burners are the only solution. But non–gas burners are opposed by, or even hated by, most of the gas burners. Hate and anger mostly comes from guilt and shame.
The gas burners come in 2 types; those that think it's their right to burn as much as they whim, because after all, they have their money, and it's for sale, so screw you and all future humans, I'll burn it up just for entertainment (vroom–vroom): These are the "I got mine FU" people! And next are those who've been victimized by the monsters of Big Business, and so they blameshift by building collectives of other gas burners, to target guilty corporations (and they're surely guilty).
Ironically, it's Big Oil
Advertisement Psychologists who spin things their way by playing
Devil's Advocate, pulled from old Ad playbooks. They know that Big Oil is either hated or tolerated, because of dependency, and/or if one makes their money from its existence. In fact, the entire
Car Cult Industry must take sides with the sources of their income (duh), regardless of its planet–killing
dystopia show 🎥.
On Social Media, their Ad Agents will pose as disgruntled consumers, and will literally point the finger at Big Oil for all the woes they cause. This helps to keep their customers loyal to the burn–burn–burn of nonrenewable natural resources. It's not our fault as victimized consumerists, it's Big Oil who is to blame! It relieves them of any personal accountability and thus responsibility.
And Big Oil has no problem taking all the blame, so long as its consumers do not stop buying from them, just because of feeling guilty. If it's Big Oil's fault as the villain, then the consumer is just a victim, and this mentality trap, frees them to continue the burn–burn–burn, but without guilt or shame (well, for a short time).
But that's why this page is a called Big Business. Now, many Big Corporations are surely at fault in damaging Earth, but Big Oil would, in fact, not be big, if every gas burner quit their addiction and stopped buying from them, financially enabling them. And that means the gas burner also must stop enabling other giant gas burners that are not necessary, like the Airline Industry. Most humans desperately need to be inconvenienced!
But the ego damaged sedentaries, really want to burn–burn–burn, and, they want Big Oil to be ecologically responsible, and, they want cheap gas. This is, of course, impossible without
oil subsidies, but facts cannot matter in self-justification mode; this is why blameshifting is always employed at this juncture. Since I'm going to continue my addiction, it's the dealers (sellers; makers) fault for my condition, as a victim! And any reinforcement of that is followed religiously on Social Media.
Now, the tobacco industry never got a dime from all nonsmokers, and yet, after everything that people know about tobacco today, the Industry still thrives anyway. I have zero power over individual consumer acts, or even corporate acts, but I do have 100% control over what I buy, and do not buy; and so does everyone else. Blaming Big Corp will change zero: It's been done a million times over already, and the pumps still pump more, every passing year, anyway.
Blameshifting might misdirect the guilt for a short time, but the only actual solution, is to never start smoking to begin with, or, quit now and forever. And it is the same with fossil fuels. Humans lived from (say) 200,000 BC thru 1900 AD without ever consuming any of it; that stands as the overwhelming empiricism supporting the fact that humans can continue into the 25th century, consuming none, if/when one volition's it.
⬆️ Just Do It!
Born in 58, my simple (young man) plan was to marry, have kids and build a home for my family, but such a plan takes 2 long-term! I married and personally built the house for her, but it ended by her shortly thereafter. It also takes a stable economy, and as a builder I was wiped out by the
Great Recession, plus 2 divorces, plus a career–ending job injury. I guess I'm a steppingstone man; but I like me anyway.
Alone and retired on US Social Security only, I took in $12K for the year of 2024. HUD subsidizes landlord profits, covering two–thirds of the insane hyperinflation portion of the rent, caused by inflationary economics, created by the wealth-class of the past, and maintained by them today. I hate enabling them/it, but homelessness is my only other option.
Driving since 74, I willingly gave up cars in 2005, once evidence made clear the ecological impacts of the raging wildfire that is the Car Cult. So, I went
Micro Mobile; peddle bikes then, and e-scooters now. It had nothing to do with money back then, nor does it today really, though it does help a lot financially, not owning a car. Now cars are a big part of the danger package imposed upon us by the planet–hating gas burners.
I learned how to live without cars and couldn't imagine owning one today. Back in the day I'd bus or bike or walk to The W, buy a months worth of supplies, then call a cab to take it all home. Carrying bags on my handlebars was easy for in–between trips or takeout. I got as much delivered as was financially logical. Now everything
comes to my door. But that's where big business helps, and sure, someone's going to get stupid rich, but that's unavoidable in capitalism.
As a poor person I cannot afford to spend more, only to support local businesses, or to stick it to the man. But I do
Micro Mobile to certain
local businesses often, just not for the things I can shop online for then have delivered to my home, and for a lower price than going local to buy. Plus, I will not drive a car because there's too much risk; I'd commit suicide if I (even accidentally) killed someone over impatiently traversing space.
I used to buy all food, furniture and electronics at locally owned stores; they all slowly faded away. Locally owned stores were replaced by national chains like Radio Shack, Circuit City, Tower Records 🎶, and many others,
and now they're gone too. These are not my ideal situations, but it is capitalism. I make the best of it by cutting out the largest possible single ecological footprint; the personal automobile.
So, we are all left with what we're left with; I use the Big 3 in the US:
Walmart & Amazon & Home Depot; they cover the consumer spectrum for regular folk, and they're the only retailers with my debit card on file. The advantages of such deep corporate pockets is that when there's an issue, they have too much money to fight customers over it; with more money than time, they just give customers a return or a replacement.
If there's a data breach, or any legal issues, they have an army of top notch Techs and Attorneys. So there's advantages, but the greatest advantage for customers, besides low prices, is safety; physical and economic. Between the Big 3 I can pick the best deal, and will sometimes use
Google Shopping, but then go direct rather than click through them. It's unlikely anyone can beat the Big Box Retailers, unless it's a scam or it's
⬆️ What To Do For Now!
Human history is about how and
why human civilizations flourished then faded away. Cities grew around old trade routes; I live alongside the
River of the Monks, where for hundreds of years, shipping was mostly water based. Humans have always moved where it made the most sense; people used resources sustainably, or else they'd create unlivable conditions; that has not changed.
How we can make a difference in this world, is to vote with our greatest and most effective vote weapon; where we spend our money; voting with our dollars! Do not buy anything from business entities you do not like; for me it's Big Oil/Car/Road. They're mega rich sociopaths, so either move to an Amish community and live as they do, or at least get close to that target lifestyle, but without actually becoming Amish (though not opposed to that either). I do so, and I'm not Amish. Those who will say: Well I'm not living like an Amish! It is these people that will cause all future humans to live that way but without a choice.
Step 1: Don't personally buy/burn fossil fuels: Be the change you hope to see in the world! It's hypocritical for a gas burner to condemn other gas burners, business or personal. Step 2: Enable those trying to make a difference, like living in (or
moving to) anyplace dedicated to being carbon free. Take your time; research; make a plan; act on it; let all know why you're doing it! This car free
Micro Mobile guy, lives in an all electric downtown loft (
quick video) that gets much of its
power from wind.
It is obvious that suburban sprawl is damaging, given that there are literally billions of human on Earth. If we were only 1 billion, and those who decided not to live in the condense urban centers, actually cared about the natural world, living suburban would really be just a more concentrated version of healthy rural settings. Every home would be elevated or off the ground; this would allow the natural world of plants and animals to live, much as they have for millennia.
But the reason why people live separated and segregated lives and lifestyles, is really a Spiritual one; they secretly dislike or hate other humans that are not like them, and want to live apart from them. Hate filled they always look upon the other not–like–me people with disgust; living in condense urban centers means they'd have to interact with other not–like–me people, and the hate–driven need their enemies.
We know they hate the natural world because suburban as well as rural settings typically range from disruptive to devastating upon the natural world. As devout gas burners, they impose the
rage of the machine upon all life around them, and everywhere they go, and even enjoy guns, killing, loudness and violence. The myth that they enjoy the peace of nature is too often overwhelmed by their exhibition of disdain for it, as Creator–haters. But, they've likely been
This is best seen in Small Town America; they look, feel and smell like veritable junk yards; they're littered with industrial buildings and waste, and riddled with old cars and other fossil–fueled machinery. They are sad with decrepit infrastructure and buildings that should have been demolished decades earlier. It's no wonder
youth flee them! The road–scarred Earth is highly offensive to anyone with even a fragment of their humanity remaining within.
Almost everyone can afford a home, they just cannot afford the profit–ridden products of capitalist market housing; there's way too many hands in that proverbial pie. I've built over a hundred conventional homes and I'll bet a million cash right now that I can make it happen, just not the way it's now being done. I also built Tiny Homes, or Cabins as we called them from the 70's until pop culture popularized the term
Tiny House.