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Aloha! FOSS Tech here! I'm a builder, OS Installer, data/ransom recovery Tech, and older PC/laptop restorer. I put Linux Distros on PC towers, SFFs, and laptops; so far all are 100% glitch-free. PC Kits (example) are sold without an OS installed. Consider barebone desktop kits by #1 motherboard maker Asus, and Crucial stocks the virgin RAM and Storage to snap into a NUC; and here's a list of USB OS Installers.
FOSS Techs support Small Tech & Biz; we do not support or recommend any Big Tech! That's what a Big Tech Troll does. I share this content for those who seek a glitch-free FOSS system. Component chips are programmed (finalized) by the first Operating System installed. A 2nd OS cannot delete or alter that code. Sometimes there's parity, but most of the time there's not. Virgin components are critical to avoid Big Tech compromises at the chip level.
There's good options for those seeking to switch from Big to Small Tech (hardware & software) to stay Safe, but don't want to build or install. For laptops and mini PC's there's the awesome StarLabs, as well as Laptop with Linux & FrameWork & Tuxedo & System 76 & Malibal & Entroware. Serious laptop gamers should use an unaltered ROG. Some units seem expense but that's the math of subsidies; Microsoft subsidizes OEM's to use Windows; it can mine data even in dual-boot.
For deGoogled tablets and phones there's the European and North American versions of Murena (recommended). Then there's Purism & Nothing Tech & Volla & PinePhone. And checkout the Murena Workspace. Many EOL phones can be revived with /e/OS & Lineage & Ubuntu & Calyx & MicroG & Graphene & more. Check with them for model compatibility. The war against planned obsolescence is a righteous eco-war.
To achieve a glitch-free system, install Linux alone; a Windows/Linux (Winux) dual-boot is the #1 cause of glitches. Use Intel-Only-Inside systems because their drivers work equally the same on any OS. There's tens of thousands of chips all needing drivers, but not all of them are covered in all Linux Kernels. With their marriage, Windows/Nvidia units should stay on Windows only, or expect glitches and/or poor performance; their drivers are not all equal.
Linux systems will be glitch-free if users follow these criteria, and not stray from their Software Manager. Careful also not to overwhelm the C/GPU of older systems that have been Linux renewed. If you just want to experiment with Linux, rather than a dual-boot, first get a beginners USB, or, get a for-Linux-only unit. When users have glitches, they seek help online via anonymous users; not wise; they might be a Troll. Find me on Reddit or email me.

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