Big Tech Trolls

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Big Tech Trolls: Trojan Horse Army Against FOSS!
FOSS is becoming wildly popular; far more than Big Tech ever imagined. Linux Mint, for just one example, has taken a big bite out of Microsoft Windows' profits; heralded as among the best Windows replacement. So rather than trying to beat them, Microsoft (MS) decided to join them; welcome in Winux! (Windows/Linux).
Enter in the fast–growing Reddit, where everyone can be someone else! When some Social Media platforms were forbidding outright anonymity, Reddit became the king of anonymity. Those who want to pretend to be who they're really not, they cannot have enough accounts there.
Big Tech jumped all over it; they had everyone globally who had a vested interest in MS, to set–up Reddit accounts, and create a tidal wave of instances that made it clear; support for FOSS will ruin a computer. But when that did not make a big enough dent, they decided upon Winux.
Obviously, it would be very easy code to write, which simply prevents doing this to a billion Windows subsidized units, but they know it would be another costly front in the war, so they decided to allow it.
Well, but not where it was wildly successful, but just enough to give, just enough proverbial rope for Linux fans to hang themselves. That worked; it still does! All Windows Techs needed to do was {1} to make sure they can back door any hardware–level chips, then {2} code–fuck Winux systems with one plague glitch after another.
All (us) FOSS Techs have been warning users about Big Tech (Biz) for over 2 decades now; all of a sudden everyone is starting to see what we've seen since 1999! Why? Politics 2025: Make America Go Away! That's the Corporatocracy chant. But the level of gullibility is becoming exponential, alongside the curse of the Wild Wild Web. The ease of spreading fake or false information is astounding, but what's terrifying is the sheer numbers guzzling that cultural Kool–Aid daily by the gallons!
Any Big Tech Business entity that pretends to be friends with FOSS Tech, are just deceiving (well, gullible) users. They finance many FOSS projects because they recognized (even before Y2K) that FOSS would be a threat to future Tech domination and market share. And it is! Since they could not kill it, they joined it. Then added unlimited AI Bots! Madness!
Consequently, in addition to financing many supposedly pure FOSS Projects (e.g. Chromium), they have also built an impressive army of Big Tech Trolls that scour the Wild Wild Web, for places they can set up shop to deceive the gullible masses. Reddit and other popular hacker shops that allow anonymity, are favored because they even promote the use of multiple accounts, exploited to disguise as regular users. Plus they can up & down vote for self–benefits.
And regular users are duped by them at almost a 100% success rate: It is a sad thing to watch. But nowadays it's getting harder to tell fake profiles from genuine user profiles. Typically, Big Tech Troll profiles are chaotic; many crypto–rewarded Trolls, reside globally so there's sometimes language differences found within them. But no matter the chaos, if they're exposed they simply delete the account; they have many to utilize.
Average users have one account; a simple review will show many interests, and a theme emerges. But regular users will get sucked into gimmicks, such as a dual–boot of Windows & Linux, or Winux, a scam that was hatched around 2014 or so, most likely by MS Trolls, because even with Winux they can mine user data and activities.
But regular non-tech users who promote Winux, do so without the technical knowhow to prove anything is afoul; it's all ego protection at that point. Winux causes a literal stream of negative issues; scroll Reddits many Linux based Subs, for that nonstop stream of proof.
Knowledge is empowering; it's pride and ego that makes people gullible to begin with; it devolves into the Cult Mentality! What is even more embarrassing are when non-techs will read a website article, written by one of us Techs, then they come onto Reddit or other Social Media sites, to parrot those words, correcting us Techs, by what they read, as if they know more than Techs, who may have contributed to that very article. But that's why we call it the Wild Wild Web!
Winux is one way (among many) that Big Tech Trolls attempt to yoke FOSS to the arch enemy of FOSS: Microsoft (MS). Every FOSS Tech or FOSS Advocate on Earth, diametrically opposes MS, and more than any other Big Biz entity globally. So when someone actually promotes MS (or windows), on any level or in any way, they're exposing themselves, but the gullible masses are obviously oblivious.
The same is true whenever any hardware is placed in the hands of any Big Tech technician. They code the chips so that no matter what happens to that hardware unit, they can back door into it to perform all kinds of spying. Hence their close ties to Federal Spy agencies, a marriage that can be traced back as early as the late 1980's folks. This was happening before most gullible users were born!
All Big Tech Corps have a legion of Techs, plus many retail employees, plus money hungry Execs to feed; take that times the many–many hands–in–the–pie Capitalist takers; all of them must collectively work to support those many parasitic Investors & Wall St. Grifters! Compromises made for those bottom–line $ numbers are numerous and ubiquitous. Compromising user privacy and security is a simple choice for them, in spite of what their PR Ads must spin.
Everything Big Tech gets involved in, must result in impacting that $ bottom line. Unless you're buying a tangible item from them, "you" are their product; they will monetize you because they only offer services. If they only profit from the sale of an item, like Walmart, they do not need to covertly extract your life story; they only want to know what you have bought, or want to buy, that they sell; you are not their product.
Big Tech spends untold dollars annually, doing two main things: Create glitch code for anything Small Tech, whenever it interacts with anything Big Tech. 2: Then the follow up to that are the Big Tech Trolls; they create headline reminders or write comments, which must always imply: Windows good; Linux bad! Big Tech good; FOSS bad! It's just good business.
And brand loyalty consumer drones are their Ad Agent's collateral success stories; they unwittingly help Big Tech for free. They're odd fellows; I refer to them as brand cultists, because of the deep devotion to (say) product X; if anyone criticizes product X or does not share in their praises of it, they'll attack them (badmouth; down votes; etc.). they don't own product X; they don't work there or have any connection to it, except they use it themselves; therefore it's the best.
Big Tech Trolls on the other hand, are likely crypto paid gig workers, rather than corporate employees (plausible deniability) creating anonymous Reddit (Social Media) throwaway accounts, mostly to avoid exposure; I guesstimate there's thousands of them globally. It's like corporate greenwashing: Their main job is to sow discord and plant doubt, for anyone using, or considering a change to, anything FOSS: It's just good business.
Trolls exist to create doubt, not by directly slamming FOSS or Linux (too obvious), but by posing as users seeking advice, asking questions, or expressing their grievances; all cleverly designed to end with Big Tech coming out the winner. Big Tech Trolls are a great investment.
There are many bait posts at tech–based subs, such as Linux & LinuxMint & Linux4noobs & Firefox and such. They'll blame FOSS software when it's often code manipulated hardware, but the average user does not understand this.
Big Tech insists its users deploy proprietary programs; it's how they make literally billions annually. FOSS programs (e.g. Firefox Browser on MS/Mac; YouTube on FF; etc.) makes it harder to do all the data mining that's done on closed ecosystems. This is why the latest masked attempt at stopping ad blockers was implemented.
It makes good business sense to make anything non-proprietary, not play well with proprietary ecosystems, thus discouraging their use in favor of proprietary everything. Anyone with a bit of common sense learns this quickly. Same with all Big Tech ecosystems: Alphabet; Apple; Microsoft.
Consider the mighty Web Browser, gateway to the Wild Wild Web; path from Ad World to your devices; it's how the gullible masses are lead. Their engines are Blink (Chromium) and Gecko (Mozilla). Anyone can see who'$ behind them both, and can extrapolate from just that data; there's way more evidence than just that.
Here is why I recommend FF over any Chromium based browsers; to be safe, use Firefox and/or LibreWolf and/or the Gnome Web Browser. And avoid using Ad–Apps on any device.
The most frequent topics I get in private emails, is about performance issues; the answer? It's either the CPU or the RAM; here's why: RAM pretty much runs The Show; everything on-screen is seen from the RAM, not Storage. One can get great performance with a high-end CPU and 32 GB+ of RAM, on a 128 GB+ SSD Drive (plus an easily untethered external mass Storage).
Once the OS loads onto RAM it does (or should do) the rest. RAM Gag is slang for overwhelming or choking RAM; even SWAP on the Storage often cannot process fast enough; it's forced to pull from a SWAP partition on an SSD (or worse, an HDD); thus, it can still drag or freeze because RAM is already full; more RAM = no SWAP. The most expensive single part of/on a Motherboard is the CPU or GPU.
Windows was the only OS for PC for decades; they monopolized the market. Thus, all software, drivers, and so on (globally), were initially built for Windows. Proprietary drivers built by MS–Nvidia Techs, seem to lack the same level of performance on non–Windows OS's. This I must assume is intentional, due to a close partnership. Also, Drivers are built for MS & Linux, but results prove they're not the same, based on user experiences posted all over Reddit Tech subs.
Back in early 2023 I had a Tech email me, asking that I quit giving free advice on Reddit; he was making money fixing these non-techs advising non-techs how to do things. So I did; I did not go to any tech related sub–Reddit for over a year. Then I emailed that Tech back but the email was returned invalid. So, I went back to the Tech subs; no more such contacts.
But much of what Techs do is fix such user failures. It's amazing how gullible people are to the advice of some teen in his bedroom tricking users into following it. Techs for example, would never (and do not ever) advise any device be Winux. In fact, we charge a fee to repair just such systems. But in doing this, it gives Linux OS's a bad rap; that's a win for Big Tech!
As a FOSS Tech I share all this for those who seek a glitch–free system. Component chips are programmed (finalized) by the first Operating System installed. A 2nd OS cannot delete or alter that code. Sometimes there's parity but most of the time there's not. Virgin components are critical to avoid Big Tech compromises at the chip level.
The Linux Kernel cannot overcome such glitches; they become proprietary so there's no recourse. That's why it's best to stay within the ecosystem of it's code origins. Winux adds conflict code to the recipe.
The 3 laptops I use began as W11. On the Acer & Asus the trackpad works very well; on the Chuwi, not so much. But it's small and I use it as a go unit; I carry a wired mouse (& charger) in the go bag; I prefer a mouse.
All settings provided by all Linux OS's must be written, within these paradigms. If a non-proprietary OS does not work as well as the original proprietary one, most users will give up and return to it. Now ask yourself: who benefits from this?
Big Tech of course. Now, imagine you have the power of code, legally, it's proprietary! Would you make it easy for another non-proprietary OS to come along and wipe all you did? Of course not, and in fact, you would invest much time/money, making sure that cannot happen.
Linux Mint, as one example is more stable that anything Microsoft has ever produced in its decades of existence. The proof of this is (among more visible examples), their need to have Big Tech Trolls seek sites that promote anything but Big Tech.
Anyone building an operating system that would mirror what Windows (or iOS) does, would be sued out of existence for blatant copyright. Changing from NTFS to EXT4 and using the Linux Kernel versus the MS Kernel, would not change the level of complexity, nor the subsequent glitches, which would arise from even a similar OS paradigm.
Many think that Linux Kernel numbers are akin to model numbers; that a larger number equals better. But that's not how Kernels work. They're more analogous to a car's part number. A higher number does not make it a better part; the part number that fits the vehicle type is the one to use.
When non Techs try to manually "upgrade" a Kernel, thinking they're getting a better one, yet that can even break an OS. Each individual system is ran against a database of available drivers, and they are employed to that unit. Follow this simple guide when updating or upgrading.
Drivers built for Unix are not at the same performance level as those built by and for Windows; this exposes itself on Forums and Reddit where non–Intel G/CPU users complain of unequal performance issues between Windows and Linux. Linux OS builders cannot match the firepower of MS, even though almost everything runs off Linux.
FOSS World therefore, is really an ecosystem in its own right, just like units with MS & iOS run better when staying within their ecosystems. As mentioned earlier, all Chromium based browsers are not pure FOSS; they're all considered proprietary.
That means they can insert glitch code or other possible intrusions into their back ends. Of they need not do anything; different drivers competing to run one chip can cause issues without glitch code. Indeed, forcing every component on the motherboard to enact 2 way communication with 2 completely different operating systems, is where many issues arise.
Experientially, after hundreds of trials and errors over the last dozen years, along with many thousands of posts at the pseudosocial, infomercial site called Reddit (as well as other anonymity permitted tech forums), a clear pattern emerged; these glitches are daily nonstop issues.
Still, all the times I've read about problems concerning a Linux OS (from among stable LTS Ubuntu derivatives), it's always setup where the unit is formatted in the New Technology File System (NTFS) proprietary standard, and then a dual-boot with two formats partitioned on one drive: NTFS and Ext4: This has risks. Watch Why I Don't Dual-Boot Linux and Windows 🎥. Partitions are pointless on modern storage.
And why do so anyway? Why are the many millions of Mac users, not joining all the Linux inspired Reddit sub's, trying to dual-boot Linux with Mac, or, trying to explain why not to do so? Simple! They are satisfied with macOS and thus, not even seeking alternatives. Why even consider Linux if Windows is so superior? If it works for you, just stay with it: (KISS). But most obsolete Macs do run UD's; I've done 4 and they're all still flawless (I don't own one). Here's a YouTube how-to 🎥.
Windows is expensive because it's complex and overbuilt over decades; the goal for MS was to keep their thousand techs busy, and for decades, hoping to make the ultimate PC experience. They reinvented the wheel over and over. Conversely, Linux is simple; built by a fraction of people/time. Don't expect Linux to be Windows renamed.
It is somewhat analogous to complaining at a Ford dealer why their cars don't look and function like a Honda; would it not just be easier to go to a Honda dealer? They're both transportation devices, but they have many differences. And most everyone knows this, except, for those with some ulterior motive, they like to belittle one with lacking the features of the other.
Real techs are too busy making 6 figures to donate Tech advise. But many older Techs were once at Reddit to help real users seeking honest tech answers. One person once there builds Firefox extensions; very talented (well beyond me). But he too, stopped contributing at Reddit; what a loss.
But too many users who'd learn a few kilobytes, suddenly think they know terabytes; they'd oppose or down vote actual Techs; battling these anonymity bullies got old. Better to help someone locally who has real issues, and service their units for ca$h and a thank you.
In the early days of Linux for PC (Linux was already dominating the Server market), problems with non–integrated peripherals would cause many glitches, driving frustrated people back to Windows. Even now, there are conflicts that arise from non-Intel components; even hardware originally built around Windows like Docking Stations.
All of this is because, since the beginning, all Debian-based operating systems were built around Intel ME component integration; the BIOS marriage of the CPU, Graphics, WiFi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, etc. Still, needing multiple branded drivers (e.g. Intel + Nvidia) for one system will almost always create glitches, which impact performance.
ODMs tried money–saving efforts by mixing different branded components; all were codesigned by, or focused on, the only OS market at the time: MS Windows. Even then conflicts occurred, and were resolved (in update hell) as they manifest. For the poor little kid on the block (Linux), trying to build an OS in an ever-changing and competitive market, proved a challenge. But as young techs entered the arena with Open Source aspirations, things changed fast; hence the propagation of the Debian family tree.
In personal computing, a platform is the basic hardware (PC) and software (OS) that platform specific software applications run on, within the MP system. Computers use specific central processing units (CPUs) that are designed to run specific machine language code (see µarch).
Even the file systems are exclusive (e.g. NTFS & APFS) and designed (covertly) to cause cross contamination with each other; the exception is Ext4 which is Open Source. That is why there's so many confirmed "glitches" with Linux on file system maps other than exclusively Ext4. Thankfully, Microsoft has called a truce in its cold war with Linux (or have they :-).
All data stored on any motherboard peripheral is not limited to the RAM or Storage. There has to be technical data (code) stored on motherboard embedded components, so that the many systems on the board can communicate with one another. But this is also why, for one example, a user of a PC/laptop that came with a Windows OS baked–in, can reinstate Windows, even if the user were to remove the RAM and SSD, install new and then install a Linux Distro.
They can later get their Windows OS back, because MS has code, including the license marriage but evidently more than that, embedded in chips that cannot be removed and are not accessible by any end user. It is in there, and for the life of that unit, and cannot be altered or erased by an end user. What that means is it's not technically yours; you're just a user and payer.
The only way to avoid this is to buy separate, clean components, that have not been inside a Big Tech Lab or purchased wholesale by a COEM retailer that modifies them. Build your own system with all factory raw components; with no installed OS. Just buy a barebone Mini PC, and then buy the RAM & M.2 sticks from Crucial. Snap them in, then install your preferred Linux OS.
Simply put, if you were a mega corporation heavily subsidizing manufacturers to host your prized and monetized OS, why would you then make it easy for any other tech entity, or an end-user, to simply erase your OS and all other footprints, to install another? They depend upon their OS for their 2nd largest business venture; data harvesting and scraping: Another OS cannot rob them of this back door.
It just makes more business sense to simply write code (covertly) into shared motherboard components that will make the other OS glitch or just not function optimally, frustrating the end-user until they surrender and reinstall Windows, or otherwise return to Big Tech. It's a global Tech War and consumers are stuck in the middle.
MS influences motherboard components, especially of the smaller producers, and that would be any who are Not Intel. Intel does not bend to the will of MS because they sell components to others beside MS for their personal and business market (i.e. a massive Server market). So MS had to pressure upstarts like Nvidia and AMD; the affair between Nvidia & MS is public.
It's not conspiratorialism, it is capitalism! Logic dictates that there will be (and there are) many odd glitches reported; it's mostly hardware but Big Tech Trolls are there (as follow up) to blame FOSS software; anytime Open Source anything is trying to marry itself to any Big Tech; it's always an unwanted wedding when the poor try to marry into the rich.
Still, all this does not mean that only a Linux–Windows dual-boot has problems, it just means that the vast majority of units with big problems, or just little glitches; that's their situation: Coincidence? Doubtful! Thus, I don't recommend it, unless you're a Tech and if you cannot resolve conflicts easily you're not. Corporate techs have had decades to write some complex glitch code; it seems to rotate so that it's not the same issue, year by year, or the same components.
For awhile is was at the bootloader (grub) stage, where problems would arise, but also with Bluetooth and WiFi conflicts, and non-Intel graphics cards like AMD, Nvidia, and so on: non-integrated peripherals. This is because there's more going on than a simple Drive partition, where a unit boots and everything works, just because it's on a separate partition and format; different EFI system partitions can create driver conflicts.
There is a little computer inside the big computer that runs the whole computer. The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is basically an OS for the OS; it's on an independent chip and not seen by file managers. Damage the BIOS data and you've got a brick. I do not mess with the BIOS except for a necessary update.
But the magic that the untrained know-it-all advice peddlers want you to believe, is too often bits of knowledge acquired playing with their units. They're not financially accountable when their anonymous advise harms your system; they never back up their BS with cash on the table. I've had my ante there for decades now!
No one ever showed up to a meet with cash to support their claims or debunk mine (cash talks and BS walks; put up or shut up; put your money where your mouth is; etc.). Why? Bullshitters want to sound smart but not get caught in stupid. Naturally they're angered by those who challenge or expose them; hence the hate-fest they thrive in.
Do not apply any advice given by online trolls with fake profiles, those without their real names, and thus they could be foreign hacks who'd lie about it; frauds nevertheless, who avoid accountability, and covert so they can gang up in down votes, or otherwise attack and hurt others from behind the shield of anonymity: It is why they're online. Hence the popularity of all the query bait sub-Reddits. They are platforms (literally) designed to expel the vitriol within the enraged.
Acer got tired of getting so many laptops returned to them, where the buyer tried to dual-boot with Windows, but they'd screw it up so badly the unit would not boot, and the buyer could not work their way out of the botched installation. Frustrated, they returned the laptops as defective.
The retailers don't know if they're unbootable from a factory defect, so they'll return them to Acer as defective, but Acer Techs know exactly what happened. Now, Acer laptops deploy the Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST) that must be disabled in the BIOS for Linux to work on it, but it can prevent Windows from booting again: Smart!
After about 2020 or so, all Acer laptops with Windows 10/11, now come with the BIOS locked; no up/down selection options under BIOS Security or Boot tabs, and so no disabling Secure Boot. Why do this? So that no one can easily dual-boot any Linux Distro onto them without many technical tweaks to get there. The hope is to scare off the novice, and I'm sure it works. Also, read this Acer Tech exchange and this one also. Many other manufacturers will soon follow suit. It is time to get a laptop bag designed for 2.

⬆️ Glitch City!

By the time I'm summoned to rescue units that its user has tried to build a dual-boot on, it's so screwed up, mostly by the many applied "tech tweaks" they got online by the Reddit trolling advise peddlers, that I'll zero it, just like I do with ransomware seemingly locking it down. I have the ISO to reinstall Windows, but better, I'll install Linux Mint only, and during the install, select Erase disk and install Linux Mint as a fresh install, in its native Ext4: All problems solved.
Well, for the most part; that's because MS still lurks on that motherboard, forever. But if that code does not impact the dual-boot system, be thankful indeed. It's been a major issue forever, so the Linux Mint team will try to mitigate some of the boot issues by keeping OS Prober enabled (21>) by default to support dual-boot detection.
They know many will do it anyway, even though few Techs ever dual-boot; the partition that the Windows OS is on, will still fragment, suffer all the same MS ills, and if infected can cross contaminate. Partitions are pointless on modern storage. Thus, install Linux on a USB like a super fast SanDisk Ultra Fit.
Overwriting an SSD, everything stored on that (OS only) drive is destroyed; hence, why you never store anything irreplaceable (any personal content you cannot reclaim from the Web) on the same physical drive as the OS. There's nothing a user can deliberately do, worse than attempting a dual-boot.
And the worst of them being Windows with any Linux OS. Name it what you like; if it works I use it, and if not I warn of it: I'm not a brand cultist! But for the determined here's a how-to. I'm an advocate and financial enabler of/for Small Tech and Small Business in general; our most meaningful vote is made with our dollars.
FOSS stands for Free and Open Source Software: Freedom! Proprietary always means pay us; it is ours. You have our permission to buy and use it, but we own it.
In other words, no one fully "owns" any electronic device that has a proprietary OS on it. It is always a shared ownership. You own the hardware; the tangible device, but they own the OS and all that happens with it and to it, and you must comply with their directives.
Now, it's puzzling why anyone would volunteer to be a consumer drone like this, when there are alternatives. It will not always be this way: Have you not watched Continuum? Science Fiction but with real future possibilities. The Open Source software options are too vast to list. It is just a matter of learning one over another. Besides, if someone needs Windows just watch this: Running Windows in Linux: Virtual Box Configuration 🎥.
One must either abandon proprietary products like MS and Crapple altogether, or, just have separate branded devices: E.g. An Android phone, an iPad, an MS Surface, and a clean PC kit with Linux installed by you. And buy software designed for those brands.
Back when computers were expensive, sharing made sense; putting everything on 1 large mechanical heat-generating drive, via now pointless partitioning, was less expensive than having separate drives or equipment. These days I recommend separate drives, or multiple devices.
I've built many NUC Kits; all of them work flawlessly on Linux Mint 🎥. Intel's integrated chipset is a big part of that success; their Micro Architecture is key. The Debian based LMDE is an awesome choice for older 32-bit systems. Of course, I always keep a BIOS updated, when availed, as recommended.
The main logic of buying barebone units is that they do not come with a hard drive or RAM, and thus no OS (no Windows or iOS Malware cloaked as operating system content). Otherwise, the choices for a Windows PC's (towers, mini's & SFF units) is enormous. Why pick a device that does not come with a proprietary OEM baked into it, and then spend an additional $200+ to install Windows 11 Pro on it? I charge that to scrub it!
Trying a Linux Distro is an awesome idea; just buy an older used, or a new low end laptop, and experiment with it first, before trying to create a Windows/Linux dual-boot on (say) a $3K gaming laptop. Linux will run great on a cheap laptop/PC if you wipe it. Whenever you have two completely different OS's on one computer, problems will arise, so be expecting it. It's like putting flex-fuel in a gas-only car.
When someone brought an older laptop/PC that they want to reinvigorate, I'll first replace the old mechanical 3.5"/2.5" HDD with a newer faster SSD of some configuration: It's clean, fast, cool to run, and with no OS ever baked onto it. Then, I will load Linux Mint Cinnamon, which only uses Ext4 as format, and everything always works: Always! Here's how to make an ISO.
Why Mint? It's not personal; it is not my product, and I'm not a brand cultist. It's because it just works. I'm getting paid and I do not want repeat work (unpaid) when something fails, down the line. I've done many so far and no call backs with problems. I'll even DD the older removed HDD, or simply reformat the disk to Ext4 🎥, though that can leave sectors in compressed isolation.
Afterward, users can reuse it with a usb–to–sata cable adapter as a larger external storage device (I'll reinstall it internally as a secondary drive if it's a tower PC). Thus, everything used is in Ext4 standard format, or FAT for USB sticks and SD cards, and even partitions in special use cases.
We typically learn a software program to do a task (any task) on one OS, and then find the learning curve too sharp on another OS, and thus, will respond to the frustration, by critiquing the unfamiliar programs. I read this frustration everywhere, but it's not justified; the simpleton is slow to change.
Even when Windows XP users jumped over to Win-10, most had the same problems, via the dreaded learning curve. But I found free and open-source software packages easy to learn. And then there's gaming; a rapidly advancing side of the PC/laptop world.
No matter how easily one learns new or updated programs, Windows and MacOS requires a minimum of hardware resources to function optimally; 16GB+ RAM, 128GB+ SSD, and an Intel Core I5+ Processor. Conversely, Linux Distros do very well on budget or older hardware, with little performance difference on higher end equipment, depending of course on what it's used for. There are quality high-end Linux laptops (and here too), and low cost Linux SFF PC's for an HDTV.
Usage problems will arise when using Windows (even cloud mode) with inexpensive processors; Atom (retired), Celeron or Pentium; or the AMD line of low-end processors. Then there is W10/11 fragmentation issues; Linux does not need defragmenting because it's all Ext4 (vs FAT & NTFS).
Regardless of your Linux OS choice, you really do not want to use a partition for personal content; everything on one large single hard drive, partitioned. All Techs have known for a long time, the technical certainty that the more partitions on a single drive, the slower the drive; the goal therefore, is as few partitions on one drive as possible.
That is why a dual-boot will create further problems in the overall performance arena. Never fully trust gauges; only be concerned with real world results, such as how long it takes to download something, or to transfer from one drive to another. The processor type is vital here.
It is better to have a small but fast SDD with only the OS on it (2.5" or M.2; a PCIe NVMe with an adapter when there's no slot), and then, a peripheral (or external), or mounted drive for all personal content; especially what cannot be recaptured online after an OS drive wipe. Such separation also eliminates storage device heat passed in tight spaces to the motherboard.
Run the OS exclusively from a smaller fast internal drive that runs just the OS, so that ransomware (etc) cannot lock you out of your content, or otherwise infect it or destroy it, and always use uBlock Origin, which is an important front line of online defense; plus ad very importantly, it blocks ads of origin on almost everything.
Hardware can also fail, causing a loss of data, regardless of the OS brand. By copying files to be worked on (video, audio, pic, office, cad, etc), onto the main SSD, if anything (that can go wrong) goes wrong, you only lose updates not files. Every business needs all their data backed up regularly onto a Linux based (air gap) PC or server.
MS once provided a CD with purchase; if anything went wrong, those who had personal content on the same drive as the OS, lost that content. That's because if a corruption took place, be it any virus or an HDD failure, one could remove the HDD, and if it was not a mechanical issue, plug it into a Linux PC and DD it!
Then reinstall it back into the computer (or a new HDD if it was a mechanical fail), and install Windows as a fresh install. Then MS decided not to provide a CD, so if you have a {$} license you must make your own ISO, just like you do {free} with a Linux ISO.
With a large capacity external storage at home, I checkout music and movies (CD & DVD) at my local library (free), and then rip them via Handbrake and Asunder CD Ripper on Linux Mint. Over the last decade I've accumulated a huge video/audio library. Mass storage is Ext4 formatted, with one partition, for that reason, and has no executable files to be read at boot, so it's just a mounted storage drive that's read after boot and manual or auto mount 🎥.
This is important to know; there is nothing on the hard drive that's directly seen on screen; everything on screen comes from the RAM. Here's even a list of Linux Distros that run only from RAM. The speed of any device is set by the RAM and CPU, not the storage, though transfer times will vary from a solid state (SSD) and a mechanical drive (HDD).
It's analogous to sand going through an hour glass; the storage device dumps so much into the hour glass, and then the speed at which it comes out the bottleneck, is determined by the CPU, not the storage specs. I'm on a mini PC with 11th Gen Core I-7, 16GB DDR5 RAM, 512GB M.2 NVMe, and a USB 3.1 port tethered 5TB HDD.
And that's why I still use mechanical drives for mass storage; they're cheaper (for now) and it does not matter their output, because I use an ultra fast NVMe PCIe for all on demand operations. The HDD storage loads its cargo onto the RAM, and there all the processes occur, and when changed, are saved permanently back onto the HDD.
With movies, the HDD dumps a load onto the RAM and it plays along until that volatile memory content gets low, and then it tops it off again: We don't see any disruptions while it's doing this. When CAD or video/audio editing: copy (not cut/paste) the entire file onto the M.2, edit/save/edit/save, then (copy/paste) save it all back to the (Master) HDD.
Star Labs of Central City is what many FOSS Techs recommend. Yes, there's a real Star Labs beyond DC Comics Central City. Their Linux OS line of aluminum laptops with backlit keyboards are top shelf merchandise. Nowadays I recommend them, because there's no fuss with having to override (or just endure) all the collateral damage done by Big Tech, as they stamp their large footprint on anything/everything tech.
As of 2020 onward, I recommend the Intel Core I–3,5,7,9, for muscle work, and the Pentium line of processors for lightweight units; these are good for all Linux Distros. AMD still struggles with compatibility issues on dual-boots, where MS was the first OEM.
AMD Ryzen on Linux rocks on units such as Star Books that have never been touched by MS. Another Linux OS laptop maker in Germany, Tuxedo Computers, also offers premium Linux only devices. One of those laptops, along with a 1TB USB Stick in your pocket, and there's little else you'll need, home or away.
Nonetheless, this FOSS Techs side-gig depends on people, not following the advice presented herein. This one page (fully absorbed) can equal a 3-credit CC Tech course; the Linux Tuition. I update this for legit learners, and also recommend W3 Schools and CodePen. But most are TLCR; they cannot make it past 160 characters, let alone research, to gain any level of knowledge they don't copy/paste and parrot from! They want others to invest in the research then donate the summary to them.

Disclaimer: Everything shared online is meant to educate and encourage, because I Love people and hope to be a positive force, even if/when it hurts. The honor is to serve. I monetize nothing online. A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't (Twain)! Those who don't share what they know, it dies with them (Me)! My goal is not guilt or disparagement, but fun and joy in genuine unity, whenever I'm blessed to receive that. If I offend it's not from malevolence. If I anger Trolls? Get a job and a life, leave the dark side and become a positive force for good.         ⬆️